“Ingopaiwo sisi vangu Sandra Ndebele sando dzavo makanyarara zvimwe zvese tozotaura mangwana,” commented musician Jah Signal as he shared Sandy’s pictures on his Facebook page. “Heavily built MaNdebele, yooh uyababa shame” commented one Lethokuhle Ncube. Her pictures which are still trending online have been shared on various groups on social media with most commending Sandy for being fit and generally looking “fresh”. If old European people are still fit, why can’t we do the same,” the always jovial Sandy quizzed. “This is a clear example of working hard (in staying fit) and there’s no excuse for women and everyone out there to neglect their bodies. I’m heading in the right direction, sekusele kancane nje. Its primary subject is adolescent girls and their. It investigates the world of preteen modeling web sites in an edgy, objective, and dry manner. It is a story of ambition, money, and sex in the context of familial and peer-group relationships. “The pictures alone, tell the whole story. Sandra-Model follows the exploits of a twelve-year-old, non-nude internet model, based in Los Angeles. In an interview, Sandy said she is just an inch away from her desired body. While at it, she has been inspiring plus size women to be happy about their bodies regardless of size. With tutorials, posts and tips from photography professionals and educators, Lightroom offers inspiration for everyone to become a better photographer. Dressed in cordial apparel, the artiste has reminded many of her yesteryear days.